Tap Uniform
Available with or without a zip
Silver Sparkle logo
Please ensure names are put into hoodies as it's very easy to get them mixed up during the lessons
Primary, Grades 1 and 2 Tap

Purple lycra leotard
Plain black leggings
White socks
White low heeled canvas tap shoes with toe and heel taps (Please note - if buying your own tap shoes they sometimes come without the toe and heel taps. You may then need the purchase these separately and get them professionally fitted)
Tap shoes can be purchased from:
Hair must be tied back neatly away from the face

Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 Tap
Black - 1st position "Jill" lycra turtle-neck sleeveless leotard
Plain Black leggings (no patterns or logo)
Black Oxford tap shoes with teletone taps
Hair must be tied back neatly away from the face
Intermediate and Advanced Tap

Own choice of leotard
Black Oxford tap shoes with teletone taps
Plain black leggings or dance tights (no logos, patterns or stripes)
Hair must be tied back neatly away from the face